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Address:No.9 Electronic Street, Economic and Technological Dev elopment Zone, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China
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Taiyuan Tongze
Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
Taiyuan Tongze Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. 晋ICP备15004085号-1 Powered by
Company technology center become state level enterprise technology center
On 16th Nov. 2011, the president of tongze heavy industry (TZCE for short) Mr Yangze took part in the awarding ceremony of 18th state level enterprise technology center. This means TZCE has entered into nation team. So far, there are only 20 state level technology centers in shanxi province. But TZCE is just the only one private enterprise. Innovating drive developing and science technology guide transition is the guiding ideology of TZCE. Under the base of success, our company will go on exploring and come true long-term developing.